In this video, I am doing to discuss the current property market, quickly touch on the commercial market, then the residential market. Focusing on the issue of using averages to determine value.
The most common question that I am being asked at the moment is will property prices fall. I get the same question at meetings, on the phone and over on Instagram.
Some background, my name is Shane fleming, I am a chartered property consultant based in Dublin, I have 16 years experience, run my own business, my clients range from McDonald’s & Circle K to private investors and developers and residential buyers and sellers. I have a degree in property economic. I have worked for international companies, a bank and one of the biggest commercial agents in the world. I have also been through a major recession. But none of this means I can tell the future.
But it does give me a wealth of experience to draw on in forming my views.
Email: [email protected]
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